Mushroom Dyes
During my years living in Finland I have been interested in its forests (social mushrooming practices), languages and organic materials. My background in painting-drawing and anthropology studies provoked a deep interest in the materials and pigments we use, their history and their transformation during the creative process.
In Finland, I have been researching plant, food and mushroom dyes onto upcycled fabrics (mainly cotton, silk and wool) and handmade paper. I am interested in the history of those colours and plants, their migrations and how it influences their ecosystem and landscapes. During 2022-2023 I focused on a project called sienimatto that was exploring mushroom colours and dyes, upcycling and cultural patterns.
I wished to forage the mushrooms myself during one season and follow the process of making the dye, colouring the materials and weaving them together. During September and October I collected mushrooms from the Helsinki area. That specific season was said to be very dry and bad for mushrooming, fungi were rare in the forests. At the Mustarinda Residency (November) I coloured upcycled fabrics
including wool, cotton and silk with the mushroom found.

In the beginning of 2023, at Aalto University, I assembled the coloured wool and cotton inspired by Kainuu patterns forming traditional rugs. They were woven on traditional shaft looms. The research process was shared during a talk at the Open House and will further be deepened through writing and further experimenting with organic materials and dyes, reflecting on the textile industry.